Provident Living

providence  n. from the root word provide
  1. Care or preparation in advance; foresight.
  2. Prudent management; economy.
  3. The care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity; divine direction.
  4. God.
"Living providently means taking care of our immediate needs and providing for the future.  [It] is more than just putting aside food for future need. It encompasses all areas of life. If we want to face the future with confidence and peace of mind, we must prepare ourselves in six areas: literacy and education, career development, financial and resource management, home production and storage, physical health, and social-emotional and spiritual strength. When we strive to prepare in these areas, we can enjoy peace of mind as we face the uncertainties of the future." (Provident Living A Way of Life - Ensign Aug. 1987)

“Provident living includes the prudent, frugal use of one’s resources, making provision for the future as well as providing wisely for current needs.” (Barbara W. Winder, former Relief Society General President)

President Ezra Taft Benson has counseled members about our responsibility to be prepared: “Usually the Lord gives us the overall objectives to be accomplished and some guidelines to follow, but he expects us to work out most of the details and methods. [They] are usually developed through study and prayer and by living so that we can obtain and follow the promptings of the Spirit.” (Conference Report, April 1965, p. 121)

As we strive to care for ourselves and our families, one of our greatest challenges is to find peace in the midst of an uncertain future. We may have the basic necessities of life today, but what about tomorrow? The prophets have urged us to live providently—in other words, to live in a way that will provide the necessities of life not only today, but tomorrow as well.

Visit Provident Living to learn principles of avoiding debt, discerning between needs and wants, and living close to God in order to be provident providers both spiritually and temporally.